Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Trip and help needed


There'll be another visit down to the Mansion on Thursday 9th Feburary. Meet Thom in the studio at 1:00, or if you'd rather meet us at the Mansion, that's fine, just let us know so the group isn't waiting for you.

The purpose of this is for myself and Bex to show eveyone the space they have been assigned and to straighten out any niggles that may occur. It's vitally important that everyone attends, so please let us know if you can't!


If you have any updates about you work or photos or if the work has altered or if the scale has changed etc. let us know before thursday so we can keep this in mind whilst arranging a suitable layout. Failure to notify us of any drastic changes will cause further delays and disrupt other students who have given us their info so please keep us up to date.


If anyone has a picture of what it is they're planning to include in the exhibition, then please get it sent to us asap. We're aiming for good press coverage on this, and we could do with at least one picture of the work included to go with the press release. So if you have one, get it sent to us, and it could be in the papers!


We'll be having something similar to the goodie bags for the purposes of artist promo...The exact specifications have yet to be decided. We don't want to make them too extravigant because of the Artist Stall, so the design has yet to be chosen.

This is your chance to really promote yourself, so try to make sure you have some business cards made or printed to go in there!


On the preview eventing there will be a stall on which we can sell postcards, prints, handmade crafts etc. The more variety of things on sale, the better! A 25% commision will be taken from items sold to go towards the 2012 degree show, so remember to include this when pricing your items.


If anyone would like to try and sell their work at the venue, you are more than welcome to. Again a 25% commision fee will be taken off any work that is sold so add this onto your price beforehand and all money raised from this will also go towards the degree show.

We're not asking for money to help this exhibition/event to go ahead, (although, there has been a fair ammount of it spent!) so instead we'd like you to give up as much of your time as possible helping to pull it all together. We'll be looking to fill the following roles in the run up to the event and on the evening itself, and would expect everyone to take up at least one of them. If you'd like to take up a postition then let us know, we will be asking for people to fill any unfilled roles at the meeting on the 9th. For 2nd years (even first years!) some of these will go down great for your Networking Unit, and positions of responsibility always go down great on anyone's CV! We will still be on hand to help anyone that needs it.

*Stall Organiser(s)* - Setting up the stall on the 25th, and displaying the stock. Ensuring everything has a price on it, etc. Keeping track of who's work has sold and how much money to give to the artists/how much to give to the degree show fund.

*Goodie Bags Creators  * - We'll need around 2 people to produce and fill the goodie bags. Exact details to follow....
*Rota Organiser* - Creating the rota's for invigillation, and making sure people stick to it

*Invigillators* - *Everyone* will have to take a turn at keeping an eye on either the upstairs gallery, the cafe, the stall, being  a 'wandering' monitor, or checking tickets.

*Promotion* - Everyone will have to help out with promotion, dispersing flyers, word of mouth, etc. More info will be given on Thursday. We could do with one or two people to head this up, and to spend a bit of time making sure we're on the relevant event listings websites.


If you can help out with any of the following, it'd be fantastic! Let us know!

  - Buckets, or some other form of collecting tins for voluntary donations to the degree show fund.
  - Black material.
  - Foam board
  - Pollyfiller
  - White Emulsion Paint
  - Decorator paintbrushes/rollers and palettes
  - Dust sheets

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